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nema šanse!

slang fat chance! (Persuade him to do a parachute jump? Fat chance! You'll never get him to do it — Ubedi ga da skodi padobranom, nema šanse! nećeš ga nikada ubediti); no way!; no way Jose!
slang, excl. I'll be buggered if...; not on your nellie!
nema šanse
inf. no fear; not a chance; no way
law no chance
početak fraze će značiti 'there's no way' nema šanse
slang buggered if... (Bugger if I'm going to volunteer when it'll mean missing the party — Džabe što ću da volontiram kada to znači da ću propustiti žurku); I'll be buggered if... (Bugger if I'm going to volunteer when it'll mean missing the party — Džabe što ću da volontiram kada to znači da ću propustiti žurku)
nemati šanse
law not a stand a chance
nema sanse
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects

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